As many of you know, The NBA Players Association is currently locked out. From what I gather. The owners do not wish to pay the players their current amount which is 57%-58%. As of October 5th, 2011; the players have offered the owners 54% of the share of millions of billions of dollars. The owners offered the players 47% of the money that is made in the NBA.
ESPN's Chris Broussard reported that someone asked the players if they would be in favor of a 50-50 split of the earnings. The players said no. And I ask, why not? That seems fair. 50-50 seems like the best option. But the greed of the players, and possibly of the owners is not helping this deal out what-so-ever.
I just can't believe these NBA players are making millions of dollars to play basketball, yet they are complaining and whining because they want 54% of x amount of dollars. It's ridiculous, and it's a shame for the NBA.
I will not be surprised if the NBA loses many fans because of this situation. The United States of America is in economic turmoil. The Middle Class is deteriorating as we speak. Instead of helping the people out. Our government is bailing out big corporations and banks out. Many families are losing their homes. People are losing their jobs. It's an unsettling time for many Americans and these players and owners have the nerve to want more.
In my humble opinion, The NBA lockout hurts not only the fans who love the game of the basketball( like myself) but absolutely could have a devastating impact on the local economies of those teams, who are in smaller cities. Cities like Salt Lake City, San-Antonio, Minnesota, and Milwaukee to name a few are especially going to be struck by this. Many people are employed by the Arena, concession stands, in-Arena restaurants, near by local restaurants, local retailers, parking lots, etc.
Were talking about peoples jobs here. We the people do not make millions a year. We don't get to play basketball for a living. It's time these players wake up, and realize who actually pays for the millions of dollars they receive. It's us. We buy tickets, we buy their jerseys, we buy their shoes. At this point, they are risking their own lively hood with this unnecessary greed.
"The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion". -Bodhimharma